Marta Torrens Mèlich, Doctor of Medicine, Specialist in Psychiatry, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine at the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona. Director of Addiction Department at the Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions of the Parc de Salut Mar in Barcelona, Coordinator of the Research Group on Addictions recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the Informal Scientific Network of UNODC and WHO. Also member of WADD Executive Committee and Addiction Psychiatry section of the WPA. She develops her professional activity in the area of addictions, in clinical, teaching, research and management.
In research her main areas of interest are: assessment and treatment of substance addictions (alcohol, cocaine, cannabis,new psychoactive substances, opiates), diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric-Dual Pathology, and physical comorbidity in addictions (detection and diagnostic instruments, biological markers, treatments) and the gender perspective in addictions. The results of her research have been published in the main specialised journals. She participates in numerous national and international courses and conferences.
She has received several international and national awards, including: the «Nyswander-Dole Award», from the American Association for Opiate Dependence Treatment (2004), the «Chimera Award», from the European Association for Opiate Dependence Treatment (2006), the White Cross of the Spanish Ministry of Health for the contribution to the National Plan on Drugs, (2008), «Honorary Member» of the Spanish Society of Dual Pathology (2013), the EMCDDA cientific award category: «Population-based and clinical epidemiology» (2018), and the EUFAS & European Addiction Research Award 2020.