Why Join WADD

The growth across the world of what is now referred to as “Dual Disorders” brings about the need to create a World Association which will bring together professionals whose clinical, teaching and research activities are related to Dual Disorders.

WADD «World Association on Dual Disorders» was founded in April 19th, 2015 and it was legally registered in Madrid in July 2015.

This association has been created to achieve the  following purposes: To increase the study, research and  dissemination of Dual Pathology from a bio-psycho-social perspective,  Dual Pathology being defined as the coincidence in the same person of an addiction, or addictive conduct and another mental disorder, being a priority to address the concept ‘Dual Disorders’ and its future role in the world.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join the world’s leading association in dual disorders for only 25 euros per year!


Are you daily facing individuals with addictions and psychiatric disorders?

There is a need to create new approaches, to propose new techniques and procedures to national and international health institutions.

Dual Disorders are a major issue in our world of today.

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