MD Psychiatrist graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Dr. Szerman is working as a psychiatrist, expert on dual disorders, at the Institute of Psychiatry and Mental Health at Gregorio Marañon University Hospital, in Madrid.
He has been a member of the Spanish State Council for Addictions since 2016 and the State Council on Responsible Gambling since 2019.
He has been invited to speak, as an expert, for the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) (2017) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (2018). He was also one of the chairs of the Pan-American Health Organization (a branch of the World Health Organization) consensus on Dual Disorders (2016).
He is an international fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and member of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry. For more than ten years (2005-2016), he served as President of the Spanish Society of Dual Disorders (SEPD). He is currently the President of the Dual Disorders Foundation (2016-).
In addition, Dr. Szerman is serving as Chair of the WPA Section of Dual Disorders (World Psychiatric Association) (2011-)
In 2015, together with Pedro Ruiz, he helped found the WADD, in which he has held the position of secretary and currently holds that of vice president (2018- 2021)
Dr. Szerman has also published a number of scientific papers in international journals, as well as numerous books chapters. Moreover, he has edited different scientific and educational books.